Sunday, December 30, 2012

Look for the Way to Know

Look for the Way to Know

            1.   I believe it was Loren Eiseley who first said that however
                  we comprehend the almighty, it is one of “the many
                  faces of God.”

            2.   Only this week a friend said to me, “Just by using the
                  word God, you’re a believer somehow.

            3.   I grew up in Protestant fundamentalism and walked
                  away from it. Still, some kind of intimacy with God via
                  Jesus has appeal.

            4.   It seems plausible that on another planet in 30
                  millennia, we’ll hear from the lips of Jesus, ”I told you
                  so; Welcome, you’re perfect.”

            5.   Wild possibilities! That’s what I think. I don’t care so
                  much about the how, but that underneath it all, there’s a

            6.   Look for a way to know. It makes life better—prepared;
                  as The Tao Te Ching says, to be made rugged and
                  common as a stone.

            7.   Imperturbability seems part of the Plan, the possibility:
                  Wolf and lamb. Peace on “earth.”


God, I search
for the way to address


He, She, It or
sometimes, I even wonder,
should it be We—
that somehow in
the deepest reaches
in our weak faith
we are You, the
curse and blessing
you have given us,
our failures and successes
in the consciousness of the


When we fling ourselves
at your feet in fear
and let lie there
we again are picked up
and bound as you were and


© 2012 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoy reading this blog you may wish to order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon Kindle and in print edition too. 

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Pure Fire is Below

The Pure Fire is Below

            1.   We listen hard and longingly for the siren song of

            2.   But more than we’re willing to say, we do so rocking
                  back on our heels rather than poised on the balls of our

            3.   That’s not a bad thing at all if we’ll give up the play-
                  acting and acknowledge our good place in our fallow

            4.   The quiet, gray, fallow times may follow earnest effort
                  and accomplishment or, perhaps, perceived failure.
                  They’re times for reassessment.

            5.   Did you ever consider that life draws its significance
                  for us from the fact we know we’re going to die? Now

            6.   It’s good to put a positive spin on loss and shortcomings
                  so long as you count it learning, growing, getting real.

            7.   I notice the intensity of feeling is greater when I so-called
                  “lose“ than when I so-called “win.” That’s the
                  redeemable me.


down, down
going down
not up
has come
now and then
in moments of

real worth in
conflict when
eventually truth
and good will
win out

when people
have grown down
not up
admission a
painful release
a light goes on
a bond
is made

© 2012 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Program Your Payoffs

Program Your Payoffs

            1.   Spontaneity can take its flight in the midst of structure.

            2.   The beautiful house, that wins your look of awe, could
                  not stand without a firm foundation. Where comes the
                  flower without its root?

            3.   On walks over familiar ground and among the regular, I
                  see sights that surprise and delight, others that that
                  shock and disturb.

            4.   We say variety is the spice of life, but many forays fail to
                  produce true change, but just some same-ol’, same-ol’

            5.   In old or new settings, it’s being anticipatory that can
                  keep us awake in a chair and calm in a storm.

            6.   It is along the way to the payoff that we often find the   

            7.   On my walks to the heron, sometimes sauntering or with
                  a bounce in my step, I may meet a stranger.


They call it an avenue,
just outside our place,
but it’s pretty rough
and lacks for sidewalks
most of its distance
as it makes its way past
modest houses with
gravelly fronts and carports—
just perfect for walks.
There’s a house with
a wall of bougainvillea
that beckons,
blows me kisses
from its thin red lips,
and over there, one
sheltered by a Torrey Pine
of massive trunk and
overhead sweep that
nods in greeting as I
pass beneath it.
The railroad runs
behind the houses
on the west side,
reminding me of
another time
along the tracks
reaching my stature.
Overall, it’s a two-mile
stretch, an occasional
runner, a mom with
buggy and babe, a few
shops, the four-way
cross street, then
the easy stride to the
wetlands lagoon,
and if I’m lucky,
there standing, on one
thin reed of a leg
a treasure in serenity,
that tall white heron.

© 2012 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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