Sunday, July 7, 2013

You’ve Gotta Be You!

You’ve Gotta Be You!


I walked out
from the bar
the night before
my presentation
and strolled along
the main pier
of the harbor.
There was a slight chill
in the air
and most of the sailboats
were out of the water.
The ones left beat out
a steady rhythm
with their cables
slapping against their masts
in the light wind.
I felt the loneliness
of summer past
and the gap that comes
with fall not arrived
and stilled myself.

To Ponder

            1.   I’ve heard it said that studies show some people would
                  rather die than give a speech.

            2.   I’ve never felt that way, but have known serious angst
                  before many presentations.

            3.   I have flopped and excelled. The excelling calls me back
                  because giving an audience what they need is

            4.   No matter the subject and why they thought I can
                  address it, what they need from me is me.

            5.   People won’t listen to someone they don’t know. I have to
                  let them know me.

            6.   I often begin by saying, “This is who I am and why I’m  

            7.   Then I tell a story, a living demo, and now they learn what 
                  I’ve learned. The points then become obvious: one, two,

© 2013 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoy reading this story, you may wish to order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon Kindle and in print edition too. 

  • Kindle Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

  • Print Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

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