Sunday, March 3, 2013

What’s It Like When You’re Truly Known?

What’s It Like When You’re Truly Known?


Early morning, sitting up in bed,
having done my readings,
before me,
the play
on a lavender wall
of the sun's glories
picked up and juggled
by leaf hands
of large basswoods
outside the window.
It's a large white house
on a deep dark lake
where we come
for a weekend
each summer--guests
of friends since high school,
grandparents of their brood
who have the run of the place.
For now, some moments of peace.
Soon, bedlam and love
woven like a fine mat.
Intricate. Alluring. Durable--
reminding me of
Tolstoy's opening words
to Anna Karenina:
"All happy families are alike."

To Ponder

            1.   I have found over a lifetime no feeling stronger and more
                  gratifying than being welcomed—and knowing it.

            2.   That feeling exists because of reciprocity; somehow the
                  person being received well is also a giver.

            3.   It need not be conscious, and most times probably isn’t,
                  but looking back, the receiver will see that he’s

            4.   What is it then that emerges when you’re truly known,
                  that you have to give to others—or just a single other?
                  How have you discovered it?

            5.   Think about it; many people never have.

            6.   Know when to offer an invitation, and to whom, and
                  when to accept one, from whom.

            7.   Know when to experiment when you can’t know—yet! Be
                  ready for a surprise of delights!

© 2013 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoy reading this story, you may wish to order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon Kindle and in print edition too. 

  • Kindle Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

  • Print Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

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