Find Destiny Around the Corner
Just now,
it whispered itself
out of my mouth—
a funny word,
I heard
as a young boy
and didn’t know.
It stayed with me—
that weird word
I never learned
in a formal way—
till I somehow
felt its meaning.
Moments ago,
to serve the haunting,
I looked it up.
Do you have a
word like that,
one that forces
its way out of you?
To Ponder
1. Seemingly,
some things come along out of nowhere
and make a claim on us.
2. I
have found myself responding to a question about
which I know little, getting
into it, and seeing that I know
quite a bit .
3. What,
lying beneath the surface, are you prepared to
take on to which you bring
unique strengths?
4. There’s
a word for seeing what others—and even you—
haven’t seen and now do:
5. There’s
often an uncanny timeliness between what
freshly has been discovered
and some need that new
knowledge serves.
6. Be
receptive to a funny sound you’ve never heard
before, a taste for a new
dish, going where you’ve never
7. See
how natural it can be to make a new friend of
someone you’ve always avoided.
© 2013 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you enjoy reading this story, you may wish to order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon Kindle and in print edition too.
• Kindle Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?
• Print Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

Labels: Find Destiny Around the Corner, Force, To Ponder
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