Sunday, February 3, 2013

Roll with the Rhythm of Days

Roll with the Rhythm of Days


Near seven in the morning,
before this small town
is fully awake,
I sit alone on a park bench
on a low bluff
overlooking the Pacific. It is

gray and overcast with
a thick marine layer. A
chill wind blows, damp,
yet not misty,
across my face
sporting with my nose. The

surf is brilliant white
against the sullen background
and pounds loud and proud
against its old friends,
the rocks, below.
Here in a worn out blue

jacket with its collar
high and tight, my hair
tousled in vainglorious splendor—
almost matching that of the surf—
I look, look, look . . .
then look. Not today.

To Ponder

            1.   Even on days when our schedules aren’t full or
                  accounted for, we may begin with a sense of

            2.   Those expectations may be quite specific under certain
                  circumstances, or at others loose, with high feeling or

            3.   Looking back on my share of such days and their ranges,
                  I have been elated, merely confirmed without fanfare,
                  and also dashed.

            4.   Eventually, I concluded this was not a good way to live.

            5.   I came to think, “Why not simply wait and see, and
                  suspend the need to predict?

            6.   A researcher’s mandate might be “prediction leads to
                  control, and let the odds be your guide.”

            7.   You might also consider, “Let’s see and let it be.” Less
                  smart, more accepting, leaning toward what seems like
                  the rhythm of life.

© 2013 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoy reading this story, you may wish to order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon Kindle and in print edition too. 

  • Kindle Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

  • Print Edition: WHOA! Are They Glad You're in Their Lives?

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