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Sunday, August 18, 2013
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Sunday, August 11, 2013
Answer the Call
Answer the Call
My Gemini feet
gave me thrust
and I leapt to the
grand chandelier
in the center of the ballroom.
All the guests gasped,
and one-by-one
I flicked out
the bulbs with
the glass falling
to the floor,
and all the children
gleefully crunched
out the fragments
stamping with their shoes.
I swung like Tarzan
in the darkened room,
then took off for
Cambodia, my wings
showing only slightly.
People never noticed
I never returned.
1. Have
you made your appearance? Have you strut your
2. When
you think about it, it’s amazing how many of us go
through life with our candle
under the bushel.
3. What
do you do in the meeting when an issue comes up
and all eyes turn to you?
4. Think
about that time when you couldn’t duck from the
call and delivered
beautifully. Realize how often you think about it.
5. Wouldn’t
you like to be the one with winged feet, at least
now and then? Admit it, it
would be fun. It would be like being a kid again.
6. There
are people around who would delight in your
shining. Some truly counting
on you.
7. Do
it, then retreat to the wings knowing you made good
with your gifts, you did your
Visit us here for a fresh quote from leading thinkers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday--designed to enhance your life. On Sunday mornings we go a bit deeper with our weekly message--intended to add vitality and enduring inner peace to the life of the contemplative reader. In a word, that’s grounding. Open a team meeting or family meal with a thought you’ve picked up here and see what happens.
© 2013 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you enjoy reading this story, you may wish to order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon Kindle and in print edition too.
Labels: Answer the Call, Mercury, To Ponder
Sunday, August 4, 2013
When It’s Time to Pretend What’s Real
When It’s Time to Pretend What’s Real
stepping back,
the latch,
through the gate,
into the pasture
you, Seabiscuit,
spending your final years.
Here, my
vicarious entry
to a
claimed greatness.
The grass
green and thick,
your body
firm and stately
as I knew
it would be.
Our eyes
as if you
know me
with your
me to stroke
magnificent forehead.
And yes,
you’re small
that big heart.
You lived
the underdog,
returned from
hopeless injury
to name
your victory,
lead money-winner
My, you
were eccentric--
all those
your need
for Pumpkin--
to calm you;
too, the inspiration,
your slight frame,
for your
outsized appetite.
O, your
felicity to behold
with your
owner, trainer,
and adoring crowds,
proudly as you
before the race.
Biscuit, the original, gave.
We, the
fortunate, received.
You got
more ink
Hitler or Roosevelt
and died
when I was nine,
where no one knows.
To Ponder
1. There are times in all our lives when some
strong desire
can be met only
through fantasy.
2. As a child I heard adults speak of Seabiscuit
in awe. I just
thought he had a
catchy name.
3. Then in 2001 Laura Hillenbrand wrote her
monster seller
with simply his name as its title.
4. I, a slow reader, swallowed it up in two
days, wonderfully akin to its
5. Always an energized sports enthusiast, I
learned, too, that the jockey is
the greatest athlete in all sport.
6. I loved this
horse of the pages---his championship heart,
his overcoming adversity, even his vain
7. Only through
fantasy—my imagination---did I meet him
and make him my
friend and ongoing inspiration.
Visit us here for a fresh quote from
leading thinkers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday--designed to enhance your
life. On Sunday mornings we go a bit deeper with our weekly message--intended
to add vitality and enduring inner peace to the life of the contemplative
reader. In a word, that’s grounding. Open a team meeting or family meal with a
thought you’ve picked up here and see what happens.
© 2013 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
If you enjoy reading this story, you may wish to
order WHOA! Are They Glad You’re in Their lives? available on Amazon
Kindle and in print edition too.
Labels: Seabisuit, To Ponder, When It’s Time to Pretend What’s Real