Tell Me About It
Tell Me About It
1. We
all know we can learn by being good listeners.
3. What
do you sincerely want to know? How affirming it
is to the one who can provide
the answer!
4. How
about that associate, friend or relative you admire
so much? Have you asked her
how she’s come into her
5. Do
so, and as you learn something you didn’t know
you’ll also discover you’ve
strengthened your bond.
6. True
masters are good in ways beyond their own
7. Your
warm heart and well-formed question will light a
candle between you.
That thing you do so well—
about which you’re silent,
do you take it for granted?
I think not;
were I to ask,
you could speak
at length about it,
how you came
to learn and love it.
Isn’t that so?
You’re respected,
that’s clear, and
people are better off
for your efforts.
And so let us rejoice
in the gift.
But, come now,
tell me about it.
Still, there
will be secrets
even you don’t know.
© 2012 Allan Cox,
Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Labels: Craftsman, Tell Me About It, week-42
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