Sunday, April 8, 2012

I’m Not Sure It Was What I Thought

Week 14

I’m Not Sure It Was What I Thought


1.      As the twig is bent the tree leans applies as to one’s early attitudes as to a parent a parent’s influence.

2.      Children crave order. If parents provide that, they’ve provided much.

3.      Every child born into the same family is born into a different family.

4.      What is it about your parents that you appreciate deeply? “Nothing” is not an acceptable answer.

5.      How have you gone your own way?

6.      What memories soothe? Which ones rankle or grate?

7.      How are you like no other person?


It seems possible
to overrate
the impact of
our parents
on who we become.
Models of virtue
give rise
to slugs and sinners.
Out of the homes
of reprobates and absentees
come swans and singers
who find and create
a wealth of environs
that nourish them.
Prediction readily defied,
what matters most,


is to claim in heart
what your parents
gave that you wove
wittingly, unwittingly
as you composed
your world’s walk

© 2012 Allan Cox, Allan Cox & Associates Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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